Friday, October 19, 2007

what the hell is this?

anyone seen that yoplait commercial? its the one with CGI germs jumping out of a yogurt cup, dancing around to a wonderful v/o saying that each cup of yogurt has plenty of plenty of live and active cultures to keep us happy and healthy.

fuck that. seeing this is like seeing the guy behind the counter at mcdonalds sneezing while making my quarter pounder with cheese.

i know that yogurt has active cultures. i don't need to be reminded that i occasionally ingest this gross crap. come to think of it, i doubt i'll ever have another thing of yogurt.

give me dannon any day with their classic CGI tape measure shrinking the cup. that's proper use of computer animation.


At 10:17 AM , Blogger Eric Z said...

I'm with you on this one.

Yogurt tastes good and it is healthy. Therefore, I eat it.

Everytime I get reminded that it has "active cultures" - it turns my stomach. Am I growing cottage cheese down there when I eat it? Why would yogurt companies promote something that grosses their consumer out?


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