Monday, June 25, 2007

what a fucking nerd

i just checked and i have 28.1 gigs of pirated comic books (think original napster, just with a different subject matter). i'm such a goddamn collector that i just grab shit for the sake of saying i have it. i've read maybe a fifth of that amount (one issue amounts to about 16MB of data). and saying i have it? what the hell is that? what is it about a person that is compelled to save things? i have 4 boxes of baseball cards downstairs. my g.i.joes from when i was a kid. i know somewhere around the house, i have samples of every business card i've had over the past 10 years. shit...i once even had multiple cd's of downloaded porn floating around*. about 5 boxes of paper comix sit downstairs, each issue nicely sealed in their little plastic condoms so the air doesn't get to them. what the fuck is that all about? i'm never going to sell them....why the hell do i need to preserve them? and half the comix i buy i'd never go back and read...hence the pirated downloading thing. i cleaned out a desk drawer at the office today to find every fucking review i've ever had. why the hell would i bring that shit with me from job to job? i seem to remember at the time thinking i should keep a review around so i could go back to it later and see if i'm progressing like some shitstain of a boss in 1999 thought i should. (funny, i actually did that today, i guess).

anyway, i was having issues with my computer being uncharacterisitically slow so i was poking around at potential problems. i noticed the sheer amount of comix i have. almost half my fucking hard drive is full of comix and with all the work programs and files and shit i have less that a gig of harddrive space. jesus. no wonder it takes me longer to download a 6M .mov file of a commercial than it did just 3 months ago.

i think the biggest conclusions that should be drawn from this are:

1) pittsburgh has beaten any signs of a real life out of me.
(note....this point was much more compelling before i edited out a section at having no friends)

2) my political minded friends from flotsam & jetsam should be scared that i'm an active voter.

*who the fuck am i kidding...i still have all that porn. it's just compiled on dvd-r's now.


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