Thursday, June 22, 2006

good observation skills or latent homesexual tendencies?

does anyone else giggle to themselves when you see someone that's missed a belt loop?

i pride myself on not having missed a loop in many years. i don't know why this is such an obsession of mine. this morning, i was walking the parking lot and noticed the guy in front of me had missed one of his double loops in the back. i have no idea why the fuck this jumps out at me. honestly, its not as though i'm checking out his ass. what was i thinking this morning? oh right...who the fuck would tuck in that style of shirt? he was wearing a tony soprano classic - black shirt with two vertical white strips in the front. and this fucker tucked it in. so of course i was checking him out. and then the missed loop? come on. he deserves to have that bus hit him as he crosses the street. but alas, it did not.


At 2:56 PM , Blogger Eric Z said...

As for your question, the evidence clearly points to the latter answer.

You are passing judgement on other male's clothes! If that doesn't scream "Carson", nothing does.

At 2:07 PM , Blogger dzahn07 said...

Interesting post since I take such a strong stance on people that do not wear belts at all. Eric I'm looking in your direction.

I remember that I had one of my first big meetings with my president and I was super nervous and I forgot to wear a belt. Thank God Austin picked up on it before I walked into his office.

At 11:39 PM , Blogger Keith said...

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