x-men in real life?
everyone has seen the news about the 3 arm baby, right?
i find this completely amazing. for years, i've held the belief that we shouldn't cut off extra toes, fingers, etc. who are we to say that this isn't the next stage in evolution?
medical science is making us live longer than we should. medicines and vaccines keep the weakest of people from dying when natural selection dictates they should.
i guess my point is that i'm confused now. i want to maintain that evolution is a good school of thought. but i have no idea what i would have done if keira came out looking like this baby. i'm sure i'd axe it off.
but i can't help to wonder how in the world that child with the extra arms could swing a bat. does the extra arm create greater batspeed? if he had the size to be a defensive lineman, would he be not allowed to play because the extra arm added leverage and an "unfair" advantage in the battle of the trenches? would anyone have the guts to not axe extra appendages like that? i think it'd be amazing to see what happens if left untouched. from a genetics standpoint, does he now carry the extra arm chromozome so he has a potential of producing 3 armed kids? granted, i think i heard that the extra arm didn't have any muscle tone, so i'm sure he'd been eaten by a tricerotops, but its still fun to ponder.
I can think of several good uses for this: a coffee arm, a ball-scratching arm, a permanent middle finger, a sign language arm (turn-key closed-captioning) and how many home projects have you wished you had one extra arm without the added hassle of an actual person standing there questioning your judgement for trying to install a second-story air conditioner by yourself? I guess your right, nature would probably weed the three-armed man out soon enough. Only a matter of time before he was jacking himself off while driving on the turnpike while phoning 800 BUSTIER.
That's a good point about home improvement jobs. Ever notice how the second guy in the ikea diagrams for furniture that requires two dudes always casts a disapproving gaze at fella manning the hex wrech, and I do manning it.
Curr I enjoyed the fact that a semi-serious, 3 paragraph scientific inquiry ended with the conclusion that "he'd probably be eaten by a triceritops." Can't argue with that, can I?
I think it's freaking cool, now the kids just a scarred retard. Think of what could have been. (ps i mean retard in a not-too-offensive way)
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