Thursday, September 15, 2005

subtle difference?

the more i think about it, the more irked i get at the "under god" political debate over the pledge of allegience. part of me thinks, big whoop. i must have said that thing 1000s of times in my life, but it took 5 minutes to even remember the whole thing this morning. it obvioulsy wasn't that crucial a part of my upbringing. part of me just wants it over. why does it even matter? aren't there larger issues that we, as a society, should be concentrating on? but the other side of me hates the fact that religion is such a big deal to people to protest this shit. i just don't get it.

add to that, the fact that a bunch of religious idiots want to ignore the facts of evolution and teach intelligent design in school, and all i see are people spinning their wheels for the hell of it. can faith be so blinding that believers in creationism can overlook the documented steps of our evolution from monkeys/apes, let alone the striking similarities? the bible, the koran, and all the other "holy scriptures" are nothing more than a bunch of stories created to set a common moral code. hell, you can teach that from star wars (original trilogy of course, how would you explain jar jar as being part of the good side?), superheroes, and just about anything else. yet, so many people put so much faith into it that it drives me crazy. fuckers want living proof of evolution? take a look at my hairy back.

so....with that district court ruling in CA that the pledge is unconstitutional (assuming it holds up after it goes up the ladder to mr. roberts neighborhood), won't it essentially cut the intelligent design mopes off at the knees?


At 11:18 AM , Blogger The Dudeman said...

I agree completely. What a waste of time. I mean come on, how long has the pledge been in existence? Just now after a few hundred years of everyone saying it religiously (no pun intended) we decide it's unconstitutional? Aside from that, it says "under god" - it doesn't say which god. Can't each person decide for themselves who that god is?

As far as the believers in intelligent creation... Here's my standard argument against every religion. There is zero proof of any of that stuff they believe in other than a book or two specific to each particular religion. Every religious group swears up and down that they are 100% correct and everyone else (creationists, atheists, all other religions) are wrong. Well, at very best, ONE of them is right and the rest of them are living their lives by strict codes that are useless since they believe the wrong thing. At worst they're all wrong and living their lives by useless strict codes. Believe what you want to believe or whatever lets you sleep at night, just don't force me to pretend to believe the same thing. I'd like to add a quote here from everyone's favorite, Jorge Blogsada - What are the two scariest words in the English language? JOIN US.

At 12:47 PM , Blogger dzahn07 said...

Oh, everyone stop it. 99% of the religious people in this country do not force their views on anyone, and to be honest with you, their "strict codes" is basically the same "codes" that are made into law, with a few additional guidelines as to not sleep around and don't kill babies. These so called codes, if everyone lived by them would probably make this world a better place. Much more boring, but probably a better place.

As for the pledge thing, I agree with the Dude and Curr in that how is this a big deal now after everyone has been saying it for so long.

At 7:55 PM , Blogger The Dudeman said...

Well, I was thinking more along the lines of "strict codes" like "don't eat pork". Surely you have a problem with that one, Zahn. And I don't see how everyone living by that one would make this world a better place. Unless you're a pig.

At 10:05 AM , Blogger little keira currier said...

bacon tastes good. pork chops taste good.

At 1:16 PM , Blogger dzahn07 said...

Of all the codes they have, you pick out no pork? Who doesn't eat pork? Honestly, who is it? I thought you would come back with a masterbation joke, but the pork one was pretty good.


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