Thursday, December 15, 2005

public pooping

for the longest part of my life, i've had a severe case of public poophobia. i still maintain a piece of that, but at places that i'm comfortable with (the office, client's office, frequently visited restaurants - NEVER bars mind you), i have no qualms plopping down and clearing out.

i've even relaxed a little to go sans nesting at work.

but the whole point of this post is that, i am quiet when i have to drop the deuce. i don't talk to anyone. i make my poo and go about my business.

i walked into the restroom this morning to take a whiz and some dude was in there grunting as though he was delivering a baby. check that...he was making more noise than my wife did when she had keira. and i'm not talking the physical noise of turd departing from anus, i'm talking about the guy grunting like a motherfucker. it was pathetic. i can't for the life of me remember a time when i've ever needed to grunt to lay a turd. i do strain and stress from time to time because quite frankly, i don't have enough roughage in my diet. but excerting enough force to not be able to contain vocal noices simply has never been in my world. it was gross to say the least.

at least the guy gave me a courtesy flush once he realized he wasn't alone.


At 5:10 PM , Blogger Larry said...

I know what you mean. Its ridiculous that people feel the need to coax their fibre out. I can trim my spine and not let out so much as a whimper. But God forbid I walk into the toilets at work during the lunch break. It is, as you say, like the maternity ward in there. Frankly its shocking.


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