racking my brain
a few weeks back, i had my six month review. which, if you're familiar with the ad biz, was appropriately timed for my 7 month anniversary. why the fuck are we always late with reviews? not a single agency i've worked for has ever had a review on time.
so the review went fairly well. i knew what was coming...i'm well liked, i'm doing a good job and the 6th month isn't time for position or salary adjustments. so at least i got a free lunch out of it. although it was with my boss who's 2 months older than me, yet 2 levels higher than me by title and therefore infinitely more wise than i'll ever be. so the company could have been better to say the least.
anyway, one of the few negatives i got back has had me scratching my head. my internal communication could be a little more formal. what? i'm not sure what's what. we have 360 degree reviews where everyone but the mentally challenged interns and cleaning staff provide input so i've been trying to figure out who doesn't like me. as i think about it, i do have a tendancy to throw around a few swear words from time-to-time. something like when a very hot ad finally gets approved, i'll type up something like "approved. now get that fucker/bitch/piece of shit out of here!" i think that's pretty par for the course in this line of work. unless you have a stick up your ass.
but emails like that are with my core team. the people i work fairly closely with on a daily basis. the ones i refer to as "motherfucker" or "douchbag" quite often. so they wouldn't ding me for that in a review process would that, would they?
i think i finally figured it out. here's a pic of my bio on our intranet. besides being out of date, do you think it's too informal for the entire company?
I would ding you for calling me a douchebag. No. No I wouldn't. I'd just write that you were a "cocksucker" and have you wonder who the heck would have called you the c word in a formal review. I love your father-in-law already. Are me eyes deceiving me or are you pitching *gulp* Little Tikes??? WTF??? Need a funny decoupaged LT car? I'll bet Bonnie would mail it to you.
i just give the information - other people choose what to put up there.
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