Sunday, September 25, 2005

lost weekend

i guess this kind of piggy backs on my post about adulthood a while back, but although i got a lot of good things done this weekend, i sort of feel like i didn't fully take advantage of it.

the wife and kid went to the burgh this weekend, so i was all alone.

i spent saturday trying to improve the shit pile we call a yard. between several trips to lowes (bought fertilizer and seed, got home to do math and realized i didn't need a fertilizer bag big enough to cover 15,000 sq. ft so i returned it, then went back for some new hoses to water) and borrowing an aerator/spreader from a coworker and then borrowing my neighbor's tractor, i well, aerated, seeded, fertilized and watered. i planned on going out to the book store, dinner or a movie but was stuck home after i learned that watering my whole yard takes well over 2 hours. shit.

today, i ran a bunch of errands. but did manage to get some slack activities in this, paper, comics. then, i borrowed my neighbor to use his bronco to get large anniversary presents that i couldn't cram into my passat. he wanted to knock out an errand at the same time, so after we got back, i then had to go back out to complete my other errands. then some football watching, then curb, a little work and ricky gervais new show, extras.

now i look at the time and fuck me if i didn't get any video game time in this weekend.

my company is sending me to nyc to attend part of Advertising Week. should be fun. except for the annoying cunts i have to travel with. of the 4 ladies that i'm stuck in the car with, one is loud and obnoxious (which i can't stand), one is obnoxiously self centered (which is the only one i get along with), one will bitch and moan about it being too hot/cold (i swear that i only ever hear her complain about something) and the other is nice enough, but tries a little too hard.

i'll try to take some pix while i'm up there, just to prove i was there. but not of the account service seminar. insiders only.

Friday, September 23, 2005

goddamn i'm tired

of shaving, that is. there once was a time when i was completely into the next wave of razors; anticipating the day when the battle for more blades between gilette and schick got so absurd that one or the other would eventually take the innovative step of introducing a razor with only one blade.

but realistically, that was several years ago when i was not in need of a daily shave. i truly do need it now. but part of me is still resisting...only chopping away at the facial hair every monday, wednesday and friday. and that's only because of work. shit, my boss recently told me for the third time that i don't dress for my position. i ignored the first two times (probably not a wise move) simply because i wanted to keep as close to the creative side of the agency as i could. but after this last time, i'm seeing that the day or two growth really doesn't go well with the biz casual look. shit, i hate growing up. but i'm angling for more cash, so i gotta do what i gotta do.

i think what i need is a good electric razor. can anyone recommend a good one?

Monday, September 19, 2005

no love for the cowboys

so i'm watching the game tonight, and its exactly what you could expect...fairly boring display of football from two teams not really going anywhere (and i'll save everyone time....i'm fully aware that the pack are hurting into the foreseeable future as well). several thoughts run through my head as i watch...

1) first of all, what's up wiht this split abc/espn coverage? i like the idea of two games being on monday night because there's a better chance to see a decent game. however, that crap they pulled tonight with the first quarter or so of the taints game (no typo there, i promise) on abc and then they switch it up when the other game starts. what? is this going to be a regular feature from week to week?

2) howie long manning the donation phones? come on! i understand its for a good cause and all, but seeing his sorry ass mug manning the lines makes me want to ask for my check back.

3) speaking of the telethon, anyone see anything about jerry's kids this year? it had to suffer from bad timing. did they meet they're goal at the final tympany?

4) has anyone made the correlation between the faces of john elway and cheryl crow? do you think that lance armstrong really is in love with elway, but could never come out of the closet, so he went with the next best thing?

5) and finally to the real point i started this post is the first place, what the fuck is up with dallas' gay-ass duds this year? are they historic or something? if by something i mean butt ugly, then i've answered my own question. but they really suck. what were they thinking? as much as i hate to admit this, i miss the classic look they wore when i learned to loathe them.

which, by the way, i hope that my buddies are enjoying cupcakes or a cake with tonights game. or was that only a tradition when the cowboys were good?

Friday, September 16, 2005

best shit on tv

okay, so my title today may be a little misleading. sure, this could be completely based on one's mood. for instance, you could happen upon a really interesting display of shirtless redneck #82,056 resisting arrest on COPS that could be the best fucking thing you've seen since that first episode of REAL WORLD AUSTIN when that asshole got in the bar fight. but that's different. i'm talking shit that's really good television right now. here's my list of favorites...

ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT. great fucking show. i can't wait for the next season to start. from tobias and his blue man shit and absent-minded double entendres to G.O.B and the alliance of magic, this is by far the most rewarding show for repeat viewings. i think i'm wearing out my TIVO.

THE OFFICE. big surprise...a big fan of the brit show, this side of the pond's send up is growing on me. its still not as good as david brent et. al, but much better than most anything else out there (aside from the other comedies i list, of course). in fact, i love the original so much that it really took me awhile to get into this one. carrell is funny, but plays it a bit over the top, whereas gervais' portrayal of that idiot boss we all know was so understated and right on. i guess that's the difference between humour and humor.

CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM. the every man's asshole. i love this. i almost hate seinfeld now because its so clear that the genius of that show laid squarely upon larry david's shoulders.

THE SHIELD. best damn cop show i've ever seen.

THE WIRE. second best damn cop show i've ever seen. but with the power struggle gone between stringer and avon, and this supposed direction of tackling baltimore's educational system somehow doesn't seem that interesting. it'll be interesting to see if it holds my attention.

i'm lukewarm on LOST. with my appreciation of comics, the formula of this show has peaked my interest. and one of the co-creators was just tapped to write some comics i'll read, so it gets an extra nudge for that.

you know what show really fucking surprised me over the summer? TOMMY LEE GOES TO COLLEGE. i don't know why i liked this so much. he was completely down to earth, i guess. i mean, here he is, a drummer that has sold tons of records and has a footlong dong. but there he is on screen having issues with his band geek drum kit and looking like a fucking tool in the marching band outfit. he seemed so open and friendly with everyone. like he knew that he lucked out with his life. i think he'd truly be a great guy to hang out with. and not just for the celebrity status thing, either. like i could see just hanging out and drinking beers with him. sure, i wouldn't tell him to send the hot chicks home or anything, but still.

i really fucking hate THE FAMILY GUY and AMERICAN DAD. they're just so lame. sure, i can chuckle at some of their jokes, but its really poorly done. i guess i'm just not into low concept comedy right now.

having said that, i still enjoy catching SOUTH PARK from time to time. i don't watch it religously, but it is nowhere near low concept. sure, it has low brow humor, but its fucking smart how they do it. not just lame pop references to get a laugh.

alright, thats it for now. time to watch the latest episode of ROME. jury's still out on it, but at least there's enough sex on it to keep me coming back.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

subtle difference?

the more i think about it, the more irked i get at the "under god" political debate over the pledge of allegience. part of me thinks, big whoop. i must have said that thing 1000s of times in my life, but it took 5 minutes to even remember the whole thing this morning. it obvioulsy wasn't that crucial a part of my upbringing. part of me just wants it over. why does it even matter? aren't there larger issues that we, as a society, should be concentrating on? but the other side of me hates the fact that religion is such a big deal to people to protest this shit. i just don't get it.

add to that, the fact that a bunch of religious idiots want to ignore the facts of evolution and teach intelligent design in school, and all i see are people spinning their wheels for the hell of it. can faith be so blinding that believers in creationism can overlook the documented steps of our evolution from monkeys/apes, let alone the striking similarities? the bible, the koran, and all the other "holy scriptures" are nothing more than a bunch of stories created to set a common moral code. hell, you can teach that from star wars (original trilogy of course, how would you explain jar jar as being part of the good side?), superheroes, and just about anything else. yet, so many people put so much faith into it that it drives me crazy. fuckers want living proof of evolution? take a look at my hairy back.

so....with that district court ruling in CA that the pledge is unconstitutional (assuming it holds up after it goes up the ladder to mr. roberts neighborhood), won't it essentially cut the intelligent design mopes off at the knees?

Sunday, September 11, 2005

stupid adulthood

so i'm up early this morning with the baby. she's fed and down for a nap. suze is still sleeping. so what do i do with my free time? i research overseeding techniques on the net to improve my lawn. what the hell has happened to me? this is prime video game time (especially with the madden season starting tomorrow) and i'm worried about my damn lawn? how lame.

add to that the fact that i'm absolutely horrible at madden this year. i expect to win 12 games combined. over both of my teams.