immigrants and maggots
this morning didn't exactly start out all that great, so i wasn't expecting much on the day.
flash back to tuesday and wednesday when the wife complained that the trash stunk. i didn't give it any thought. shit, i said to myself, the fucking garbage guys come on friday, no big deal.
every morning, my daily ritual of getting the baby into the car involves:
- letting her walk around in the garage while i put her lunch and my briefcase in the car.
- asking her/yelling at her to not play in the kitty litter/oil clean up pile that's been around for two months.
- chasing her down - and then back up - the driveway
- trying to bribe her into the car by basically acting as a pimp with such things like "brian's going to be like brian." or "get in the car before daddy has to choke a bitch."
- and then finally getting her in the car by promising that elmo's in there. its absolutely crazy how that little red fucker dominates her world.
so today, i happened to really look at the garbage. what a fucking idiot. not only did i completely puss out at finding a picture that more adequately represented the putrid i had to clean this morning, for some stupid reason i didn't exactly think that beer can chicken carcass and bbq rib debris would attract those squirmy little rice fuckers. stupid.
at least i only had to work a couple of hours. i already had the afternoon off to go see yet another doctor. i haven't exactly been posting (bitching) about all my shit lately, but i went to a specialist to tell me that i don't have the bones of a post menapausal, 65 year old woman afterall like i was told a while back by some quack at a company sponsored health fair.
i should have realized something didn't quite add up when i asked the technician at the time what that meant and i all i got was a 20 second long blank stare followed by a shrug, followed by her handing me the card from her office and suggesting i call to make an appointment. what the fuck, if you're going to send someone to some silly health fair like that and provide screenings that could potentially scare the shit out of people, perhaps a little training of said person would be a good idea. but i do live in pittsburgh. so maybe that's asking a bit much. maybe its PA. whatever.
oh well. when all is said and done, i in fact have a very healthy core. bone-wise that is. i could probably benefit from doing some crunches from time-to-time.
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