Wednesday, August 23, 2006

quit wasting my time

i receive 3 or 4 ad industry e-updates each day. i don't know the exact quantity because for some reason, they all kind of blend together; serving up the same articles and such. or more than likely, i'm too busy (read: too lazy) to look at them.

as i sit here on hold with US Airways (I fucked up my flight to see the folks in December and am trying to fix it), i'm looking at this morning's musings.

and what the fuck did i see? really? i can't believe that some asshole and his organization actually rate advertisers based on their media buying decisions. this fuckhead obviously doesn't get the goal of advertising. WE PUT PRODUCT IN FRONT OF PEOPLE FOR THEIR CONSIDERATION.

so what this dipshit doesn't get is that media buyers make decisions based on the numbers they see as to who's watching what. the shows with the more eyes get more advertising. its that fucking simple. and so now, me as a parent, i'm supposed to get pissed that GM, Glaxo and Target advertise on the shows I'm into? can i just go ahead and make the leap that i'm a bad dad because I like to watch "edgy" stuff.

where is this organization every day when mcdonalds proudly sponsors sesame street? what the fuck. i hate this guy.

so what if occassionally, some clients whine things like "I don't like Howard Stern so we can't advertise on his show." but those clients are assholes. and when it comes down to it, they don't really want to give their company a better chance for purchase when decision time comes. oh well. that client is more than likely based in Harrisburg, PA. which again, screams "assholes."

now mind you, the Parents TV Council doesn't get into the quality of advertising, which is a whole other story. my buddy can comment on that, but let him finish his whiskey first.


At 11:15 AM , Blogger The Dudeman said...

And let's not forget that the Parents Television Council is the same group who got their panties all in a bunch over Janet's nipple during the Super Bowl half-time show. And here's an interesting little stat for you regarding complaints to the FCC about indecency on TV:

According to a new FCC estimate obtained by Mediaweek, nearly all indecency complaints in 2003-99.8 percent-were filed by the Parents Television Council, an activist group. This year, the trend has continued, and perhaps intensified. Through early October, 99.9 percent of indecency complaints-aside from those concerning the Janet Jackson "wardrobe malfunction" during the Super Bowl halftime show broadcast on CBS- were brought by the PTC, according to the FCC analysis dated Oct. 1.

This is from 2004 and they're still continuing this trend. In fact, there is a form on the Parents Television Council web site where people can simply click a button and send a complaint to the FCC. This requires next to no actual interaction by the user which leads to people filing complaints because they heard that a certain show may have done something bad - without even having seen it themselves. Yeah, I really hate the PTC.


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