Sunday, July 15, 2007

even more of a man

i'm growing quite the set these days. not only did i make the car repair from the other day, but yesterday consisted of several manly type activities as well. let's assess the level of manliness....

mowed the lawn - tiny nutsack (everyone with a yard does this)

built a new screen window - big nutsack (i don't think many people get into this unless they have to. wait a minute...i had to so should i revise my grade?)

created a device to straighten a crooked tree - huge nutsack (it involved rebar, turnbuckle bolts, a hacksaw and 1/8" wire rope. the use of rebar alone makes the grade, let alone the ingenuity.)

drank beer - basic nutsack (sure, everyone does this too, but do they crush the cans with their hands and throw it onto the neighbor's lawn after each? not in my circles, they don't. but then again, they were my neighbor's beers.)

plans for today????

read comics - i have a vagina and/or my testicles haven't dropped yet.


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