Thursday, July 05, 2007

good riddance

i just had one of my assistant AE's give her two weeks notice. which completely makes me sad.
i wanted to fire the knucklehead a few months ago. however, we are short staffed on our account management team and we needed to find her replacement first. otherwise i'd be stuck trafficking spots out to stations, updating status reports and such. that's not exactly beneath me, but i've been there and done that so to speak. so fuck it....yeah this type of activity belongs to my underlings. not me.

so, in effect i am actually relieved at the news. but i'm pissed too. i wanted to drop her for some time now. she's a bright kid, but just didn't get the details. we actually had to pull her from Cedar Point, our flagship account. she was doing so poorly that the client didn't exactly ask her off the account, but practically jumped through the phone to hug me when i called to let her know about the staff change.

i do think my reaction performance should be up for a SAG Award or something. fuck me if i didn't pull off floored, surprised and shocked. i'm method to the end. deniro can suck it.


At 5:32 PM , Blogger dzahn07 said...

Never keep someone on board who sucks just because they are a warm body. This is rule number one in leadership. Or is it three? I can't remember.

At 1:25 PM , Blogger Buck Super Stereo said...

i'm sure that's easier to follow when your staff includes 100's of people there, derek welsh. unfortunately, with a staff of 4 (including me and my boss), its harder to absorb all the work.

besides, it was the bossman's call and he wanted to keep her around for some reason.

oh well.

At 10:19 AM , Blogger James-H said...

Did she have Jan-breath too?

At 2:16 PM , Blogger Zeitgeber said...

I know I'm late on this, but I agree with Derek. You often end up wasting more of your time trying to fix the mistakes of the person you should have let go a long time ago. Even if you have a staff of two and someone's not cutting it, out they go! (It's actually even more important in smaller companies that everyone is performing on par b/c you have even fewer people to make up for the weak performer.)


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